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Published November 2022!
Parenting with Kindness & Consequences
Being a good parent is the most challenging—and meaningful—job anyone can assume. The manner in which parents and other caregivers fulfill this task will impact the future of the child, as well as the world.
In Parenting with Kindness & Consequences, parents and grandparents are encouraged to nurture children from birth, with many examples and tips on how to compassionately guide them through each stage of development.
Although this book focuses on early childhood, the same principles apply to older children, teens, and young adults.

Slaying the Dragons: 21st Century Literacy
We know that those fearsome, fire-breathing creatures known as dragons do not truly exist. Yet, in the world of literacy instruction, teachers often feel as though they are battling equally severe and frightening conditions that hinder literacy success. Slaying the Dragons: 21st Century Literacy considers several causes of literacy failure. The most severe literacy challenges come from various types of dyslexia and dysgraphia and are the predominant challenges that are considered for remediation. Research information, suggested strategies, and recommended modifications follow the introduction of each “dragon.” © 2011 Author House.

Dignity In Death
"I have plenty of time to think about death.”
The truth is, no one gets out of here alive, and few of us avoid the anguish of a loved one’s death.Find comfort and support in stories of others who have faced death.Learn ways to provide comfort to others.Replace destructive thoughts with healthy emotional growth.Find solace and courage whether fighting for life or accepting its closure.Prepare loved ones for your passing and offer a meaningful farewell.Navigate complex end-of-life choices.Embrace acceptance of death as a natural part of the life process.With messages of love and resilience, Dignity in Death offers guidance to those yearning for serenity and an invitation to release fear and face death with grace and dignity.

Ann Stories
In the tradition of Little House on the Prairie, a young girl in rural 1940s Texas learns courage and integrity in her adventures.
Mysterious sounds from a sack her dad brought home
A puppy under the house
New friends
A house that must be haunted
Fun at church and school
A snake in the yard
These are a few of the adventures Ann faces with the love and support of her family.
From the Author:
This small book called Ann Stories is intended to be a fun book, appropriate for children through grandparents to read.
A rural spot called Barstow, Texas provided the setting for most of the stories. The author gained new insights about her parents, grandmothers, and family members as she wrote Ann’s stories. Her parents maintained a climate of love, and she owes them so much. Maybe the values they lived will speak to some of you.
Once, when telling one of the stories to her great-granddaughter Daisy, the child asked, “Is this real life?” The author replied, “Yes, these are real-life stories of growing up in West Texas.” No wars, no romance, no curse words, and no violence. Just good old real life.
Positively Parenting: More Smiles, Fewer Tears
Do you ever have parenting questions that need quick replies? As a parent and educator, I believe in the importance of the following topics included in this booklet.
• What is the best way to teach my child to be kind?
• When my child acts spoiled and entitled, what should I do?
• Will offering choices confuse my child?
• How can I help my child switch from negative to positive behavior?
• Are there ways to give feedback without creating tears?
This booklet shares ideas from my 2022 publication, Parenting with Kindness and Consequences, in a smaller format to make finding specific topics and answers easier.