Monday, May 2, 2016
Gambling money away in a casino has never been one of my chief aspirations. However, there we sat in a motorhome park, which listed three main attractions — all casinos. My agreement with myself included tasting the flavor of each area. Away we went to enjoy dinner and gambling in the nearest casino.

Dinner turned out to be more expensive than I anticipated, which drew from my intended gambling account. We mingled with serious gamblers. A few tables crammed such somber faces around the events that I felt intimidated to join them. Machines seemed a better “bet” to us. As co-gamblers, we won $5.00 and immediately lost $5.00. Not a bad outcome. (Definitely within in my gambling budget.)
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Vicksburg, Mississippi revolves around the civil war. (Unfortunately, the war continues in subtle ways.) Seeing the ridges where Confederate and Union soldiers killed one another at close range sobered us. At the end of the military tour, we visited the remains of the Battleship Cairo, which Confederate soldiers probably torpedoed. Immigrants made up the ship’s crew and all survived when the boat sank. The picture below shows some of the original battleships with cannons protruding from the front.

Dinner at the Rooftop Grill provided the promised views of the Yazoo and the Mississippi Rivers. Yes, we ate too much and I left the roof vowing to mend my ways. Tomorrow, we turn to Memphis. Chris is doing an excellent job.
